What’s Nu Skin all about?

Joining Carly Durst’s Team & Mentoring group

What does it cost to start?

$0 to sign up. No start-up kits, no required buy-in, no monthly fees, no "fine" if you decided this isn't for you... nothing like that! If you already have products you can begin earning instantly. If you do not own any Nu Skin products, it's mandatory you buy some for yourself and try first. This is more than just a great way to make income, our team all love Nu Skin products making it organic and easy for them to speak about them naturally.

Do I need to buy inventory and ship things out myself?

NO WAY! It’s 2022. We have an app for that! You use our app to generate a link for whatever your customer may want. If they see you using a Lumi Spa and want one, you make a link and send that to them! They check out directly through there, your commission goes on to your Nu Skin account (then direct deposited into your bank account), and Nu Skin ships the products for you directly to your customer. You don’t have to lift a finger…. except to make a link of course!

What are the benefits?

You receive a 20%+ discount on anything you'd like. You get paid 4x a month, retail profit and bonuses! You'll be surrounded by a team of women who is reaching for big goals just like you -- truly a support system, unlike anything I've ever seen. You can also earn FREE success trips paid for by Nu Skin and have 2x per year to qualify!

I don’t even know where to begin… is there mentoring?

YES!!! HOWEVER.... this Is not your typical "business" or "team" you see on Instagram. I will not be down your throat each week telling you what do to. We just don't operate like that. (THANK GOD!!) I always like to start off with a strategy call, Identify what YOU want, what I can help you with, find out your goals, and make a game plan to reach them. We can talk as often as you'd like! I'm here to match your energy and give you what YOU need and want - as much or as little as that may be! We also have fire group chats with the team that would make anyone's day!

Are the team calls mandatory?

Like I said above, no one will be down your throat asking you where you are, why you aren't on, etc... The people who lead these calls are top leaders and do this on their own time to help everyone! I will say.... they're so much fun!!! After attending your call you'll see what we mean! Again, It's totally up to you how much time you spend on this -- but there's something to be said about the success of those who show up ready to learn!

I have a full-time job… is this realistic?

YEP! I did It! I worked my full-time job (Director of Marketing for a private Wealth Management Firm) for 1.5 years while building my Nu Skin business before quitting. In the first month, I already out-earned my full-time wage. I kept steadily doing so for 1.5 years, hit the top title In Nu Skin, and quit my full-time job after deciding It was the best decision for me.... though I could have easily done It sooner! I'd also say about 95% of our team have other full-time jobs or businesses and they're all rockstars. **you make time for the things that are Important to you**

What happens if I decide this isn’t for me?

NOTHING! It's literally risk free. Worst case scenario you get a 20%+ discount on anything moving forward and products you love!

Do I have to “recruit” people in order to make money?

NOPE! You can just share products and earn money! You also don't make any money off purely signing people up (I always thought that was weird when companies did that.. a little slimy!) You can be a one-woman show or If people want to join you, they can always join your team at any stage In this process! You will also never hear us telling you to cold message some random girl you went to high school with.... YUCK.

Are there different levels?

Yep! There are different levels and "pin titles" as you sell more and even create new leaders on your team! The first promotion Is called "EXECUTIVE" and you basically make more money doing what you're already doing. It's awesome!!!

How do I get started?

Message me on instagram or text me 678-834-2737 to get started!!



This Is all about YOU! This Is YOUR thing. You can share what you like, leave out what you don't. You can build this any way you'd like to and I'll be there to help you every step of the way - but don't be afraid to ask for anything you need!

This team, the energy, the goals, the drive... It's like nothing you'd ever been surrounded by before. Everyone wants more out of life and this Is their something fun that takes them there!

I'm so excited to work with you and can't wait to get started!


You can always contact me on IG @carly.durst or via email carlyannrd@gmail.com!